Compiled by Diana Pedersen/Compilation de Diana Pedersen

[Diana Pedersen’s 1996 bibliography is available in print and electronic format in many libraries as well as online through Google Books (limited preview).]/[La bibliographie de Diana Pedersen de 1996 est disponible sous forme imprimée et électronique dans de nombreuses bibliothèques ainsi que Google Books (aperçu limité).]

Please use the “find” function on your browser to search this list by keyword./Veuillez utiliser la fonction “rechercher” de votre navigateur pour rechercher cette liste par mot clé.


ADAMS, Rebekkah. Glass Houses: Saving Feminist Anti-Violence Agencies from Self-Destruction. Black

Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing, 2008.

ADAMS, Tracey L. “Sneaking in the Back Door? Social Closure and Private Bills for Entry into

Ontario Professions, 1868-1914.” Histoire Sociale/Social History 39, No. 78 (2006): 405-23.

AGNEW, Vijay, et al, eds. “Canadian Feminism in Action.” A special issue of Canadian Woman

Studies/les cahiers de la femme 25, 3 4 (Summer/Fall 2006).

AGNEW, Vijay. “Finding India in the Diaspora.” International Journal of Canadian Studies 31 (2005).

ANDRES, Lesley and Maria Adamuti-Trache. “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby? Persistent Gender

Inequality in University Enrolment and Completion in Canada, 1979-2004.” Canadian Public

Policy 33, 1 (2007): 93-116.

ARMENTI, Carmen. “May Babies and Posttenure Babies: Maternal Decisions of Women

Professors.” The Review of Higher Education 27, 2 (Winter 2004): 211-31.

ARMSTRONG, Sally. The Nine Lives of Charlotte Taylor: The First Woman Settler of the Miramichi.

Toronto: Random House, 2006.

ATWOOD, Margaret. Curious Pursuits: Occasional Writing, 1970-2005. London: Virago, 2006.

ATWOOD, Margaret. Edited by Earl G. Ingersoll. Waltzing Again: New and Selected Conversations

with Margaret Atwood. Princeton, NJ: Ontario Review Press, 2006.

ATWOOD, Margaret. Moving Targets: Selected Critical Prose, 1982-2004. Toronto: House of Anansi

Press, 2004.

AYUKAWA, Michiko Midge. Hiroshima Immigrants in Canada, 1891–1941. Vancouver: UBC Press,


BAIN, Alison L. and Catherine J. Nash. “The Toronto Women’s Bathhouse Raid: Querying Queer

Identities in the Courtroom.” Antipode 39, 1 (2007): 17-34.

BALFOUR, Gillian and Elizabeth Comack, eds. Criminalizing Women: Gender and (In)justice in Neoliberal

Times. Black Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing, 2006.

BALFOUR, Gillian. “Re-imagining a Feminist Criminology.” Canadian Journal of Criminology and

Criminal Justice 48, 5 (2006): 735-52.

BANISTER, Elizabeth M. and Deborah L. Begoray. “Adolescent Girls’ Sexual Health Education in

an Indigenous Context.” Canadian Journal of Native Education 29, 1 (2006): 75-86.

BARKER, Joanne. “Gender, Sovereignty, and the Discourse of Rights in Native Women’s

Activism.” Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 7, 1 (2006): 127-61.

BARMAN, Jean. “At the Edge of Law’s Empire: Aboriginal Interraciality, Citizenship, and the Law

in British Columbia.” Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 24, 1 (2006): 3-22.

BARSONY-VERRALL, Olga. Missing Pieces: My Life as a Child Survivor of the Holocaust. Calgary:

University of Calgary Press, 2007.

BASHEVKIN, Sylvia. “Training a Spotlight on Urban Citizenship: The Case of Women in London

and Toronto.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 29, 1 (2005): 9-25.

BASHEVKIN, Sylvia. Tales of Two Cities: Women and Municipal Restructuring in London and Toronto.

Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006.

BASKERVILLE, Peter. “Giving Birth: Families and the Medical Marketplace in Victoria, British

Columbia, 1880–1901.” In Household Counts: Canadian Households and Families in 1901, eds. Eric

W. Sager and Peter Baskerville, 405-19. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

BASSENDOWSKI, Sandra. “The Valley Echo: Two Decades of Prose, Poetry and Cartoons Related to

the Role and Image of Saskatchewan Nurses, 1923-1943.” Saskatchewan History 59, 2 (Fall 2007):


BASTIEN, Sophie. “Jeanne, fille du roy et modèle féminin.” Études canadiennes/Canadian Studies 61

(décembre 2006): 7-24.

BEAMAN, Lori G. Defining Harm: Religious Freedom and the Limits of the Law. Vancouver: UBC Press,

2007. [Bethany Hughes and rights of Jehovah’s Witnesses]

BEAUJOT, Roderic and Don Kerr, eds. The Changing Face of Canada: Essential Readings in Population.

Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2007.

BEAUJOT, Roderic and Robert Andersen. “Time-Crunch: Impact of Time Spent in Paid and Unpaid

Work, and its Division in Families.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 32, 3 (2007): 295-315. [1998]

BECKFORD, Sharon Morgan. “’A Geography of the Mind’: Black Canadian Women Writers as

Cartographers of the Canadian Geographic Imagination.” Journal of Black Studies 38, 3 (2008):


BECKSTEAD, Anita, et al, eds. Sharing the Memories: Schmirler family, team and park. Biggar, Sask.:

Sandra Schmirler Olympic Park Fund, 2002._ [curling]

BECKWITH, Karen. “Numbers and Newness: The Descriptive and Substantive Representation of

Women.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 40, 1 (March 2007): 27-49.

BELISLE, Donica. “Negotiating Paternalism: Women and Canada’s Largest Department Stores,

1890-1960.” Journal of Women’s History 19, 1 (2007): 58-81.

BENTHAM, Karen. “Labour’s Collective Bargaining Record on Women’s and Family Issues.” In

Equity, Diversity, and Canadian Labour, eds. Gerald Hunt and David Rayside, 101-29. Toronto,

University of Toronto Press, 2007.

BERRY, Oonagh and Helen Levine. Between Friends: A Year in Letters. Toronto: Second Story Press,


BEYER, Peter. “Religious identity and educational attainment among recent immigrants to

Canada: Gender, age, and 2nd generation.” Journal of International Migration and Integration 6, 2

(2005): 177-99. [post 1970s]

BILGE, Sirma, Mona-JoséeGagnon, et JoëlleQuérin. “Des syndicats, du travail et des femmes.

Questions pour les féminismes.” Recherches féministes 19, 1 (2006).

BLAKE, Raymond B. and Jeffrey Keshen, eds. Social Fabric or Patchwork Quilt: The Development of

Social Welfare in Canada. Peterborough: Broadview, 2006.

BOGLIONI, Pietro et Gérald C. Boudreau. “’Du tems de la cadi’: Possessions diaboliques et

exorcismes populaires en Acadie au début du XIXe siècle.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique

française 60, 4 (printemps 2007): 487-515.

BOSSET, Pierre. “Le droit et la régulation de la diversité religieuse en France et au Québec: une

même problématique, deux approches.” Bulletin d’histoire politique 13, 3 (2005): 79-95. [1980s-


BOUGHTON, Noelle. Margaret Laurence: A Gift of Grace—A Spiritual Biography. Toronto: Women’s

Press, 2006.

BOURASSA, Chantal et Elda Savoie. “Le portrait de la violence conjugale dans le comté de Kent:

une expérience de recherche-action.” Revue de l’Université de Moncton36, 2 (2005).

BOUWSEMA, Kirstin. “Victorian Homes on the Prairies: The Interaction Between Victorian and

Frontier Culture, 1895-1914.” Alberta History 55, 1 (Winter 2007): 2-8.

BOYD, Susan B. and Claire F.L. Young. “Feminism, Fathers’ Rights, and Family Catastrophes:

Parliamentary Discourses on Post-Separation Parenting, 1966-2003.” In Reaction and Resistance:

Feminism, Law, and Social Change, eds. Dorothy E. Chunn, Susan B. Boyd, and Hester Lessard.

Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007.

BOYD, Susan. “Drug Scares and Practice: Socio-Historical Considerations.” In With Child: Substance

Use During Pregnancy, A Woman-Centred Approach, eds. Susan C. Boyd and Lenora Marcellus.

Black Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing, 2007.

BRADBURY, Bettina. “Canadian Children Who Lived with One Parent in 1901.” In Household

Counts: Canadian Households and Families in 1901, eds. Eric W. Sager and Peter Baskerville, 247-

301. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

BRADBURY, Bettina. Working Families: Age, Gender, and Daily Survival in Industrializing Montreal.

Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

BRAIS, Nicole. “Des politiques temporelles au Québec: une greffe possible en milieu municipal?”

Lien social et Politiques 54 (automne 2005). [la conciliation travail-famille/work-family balance]

BRETON, Émilie, et al. “Mon/notre/leur corps est toujours un champ de bataille_: Discours

féministes et queer libertaires au Québec, 2000-2007.” Recherches féministes 20, 2 (2007).

BRISKIN, Linda. “Afterword.” In Equity, Diversity, and Canadian Labour, eds. Gerald Hunt and

David Rayside, 244-56. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2007.

BRODIE, Janine. “The Great Undoing: State Formation, Gender Politics, and Social Policy in

Canada.” In Western Welfare in Decline: Globalization and Women’s Poverty, ed. Catherine

Kingfisher. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002.

BRODIE, M. Janine. “Canada’s 3 ’D’s: Gender and Social Policy in Canada.” In Remapping Gender in

the New Global Order, eds. Marjorie Griffin Cohen and M. Janine Brodie. London: Routledge,


BROWN, Stephen R. and Nicky L. Brink. “Mountain Woman.” The Beaver 87, 3 (June/July 2007):

42-7. [Mary Schäffer]

BROWN, Yvonne. “Ghosts in the Canadian Multicultural Machine: A Tale of the Absent Presence

of Black People.” Journal of Black Studies 38, 3 (2008): 374-87.

BRUNET, Mélanie. “Elles pourraient nous être d’un grand secours.” Dans Trois études sur les femmes

et les familles du Nouvel-Ontario, sous la direction de Guy Gaudreau. Ottawa: Éditions du

Vermillon, 2005.

BURKE, Sara. “Women of Newfangle: Co-Education, Racial Discourse and Women’s Rights in

Victorian Ontario.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 19, 1 (Spring

2007): 111-34.

BURKE, Stacie D.A. “Transitions in Household and Family Structure: Canada in 1901 and 1991.” In

Household Counts: Canadian Households and Families in 1901, eds. Eric W. Sager and Peter

Baskerville, 17-58. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

BURNETT, Robyn, and Christopher Giardino. Prime Time Radio: How Jean and Howard Caine Built a

Radio Dynasty. Toronto: ECW Press, 2006.

BURSTOW, Bonnie. “Feminist Antipsychiatry Praxis—Women and the Movement(s): A Canadian

Perspective.” In Women, Madness And The Law: A Feminist Reader, eds. Wendy Chan, Dorothy

E. Chunn, and Robert Menzies, 245-58. New York: Routledge Cavendish, 2005.

BURT, Sandra and Sonya Hardman. “The Case of Disappearing Targets: The Liberals and Gender

Equality.” In How Ottawa Spends, 2001-2002: Power in Transition, ed. Leslie A. Pal. Toronto:

Oxford University Press, 2001.

CAHILL, Bette L. Butterbox Babies: Illegal Adoptons, Mysterious Deaths, Survivors—The True Story of

the Ideal Maternity Home. Rev. ed. Halifax: Fernwood Books, 2006.

CALLAHAN, Marilyn and Christopher Walmsley. “Rethinking Child Welfare Reform in British

Columbia, 1900-60.” In People, Politics, and Child Welfare in British Columbia, eds. Leslie T.

Foster and Brian Wharf. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007.

CAMPBELL, Lara and Natasha Patterson. “’For Improper Objects’: Thinking about the Past,

Present, and Future of Women’s Studies.” BC Studies 154 (Summer 2007): 121-30.

CARR, Emily. Edited by Ann-Lee Switzer. This and That: The Lost Stories of Emily Carr. Vancouver:

Ti-Jean Press, 2007.

CARR, Emily. Introduction by Ian M. Thom. Pause: A Sketch Book. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre,


CARSTAIRS, Sharon and Tim Higgins. Dancing Backwards: A Social History of Canadian Women in

Politics. Foreword by Susan Thompson; with illustrations by Joshua Stanton. Winnipeg:

Heartland Associates, 2004.

CASTONGUAY, Jacques. Seigneurs et seigneuresses: à l’époque des Aubert de Gaspé. Montréal: Fides,


CAVANAGH, Sheila L. Sexing the Teacher: School Sex Scandals and Queer Pedagogies. Vancouver: UBC

Press, 2007.

CAVELL, Edward, ed. Classic Images of Canadian Women. Canmore, AB: Altitude Publishing, 2007.

CAVELL, Janice. “The Imperial Race and the Immigration Sieve: The Canadian Debate on Assisted

British Migration and Empire Settlement, 1900-1930.” Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth

History 34, 3 (2006): 345-67.

CAVELL, Richard and Peter Dickinson, eds. Sexing the Maple: A Canadian Sourcebook. Peterborough:

Broadview Press, 2006.

CHARTERS, David A. “It’s a Guy Thing: The Experience of Women in Canadian Sports Car

Competition.” Sport History Review 37, 2 (2006): 83-99.

CHARTON, Laurence. “Le mariage homosexuel à la lumière des dispositifs d’alliance et de

sexualité.” Bulletin d’histoire politique 15, 1 (automne 2006): 55-62.

CHIASSON, Anselme, and Annie-Rose Deveau. The Story of the Hooked Rugs of Cheticamp and Their

Artisans, Rev. ed. Wreck Cove: Breton Books, 2006.

CHILTON, Lisa. Agents of Empire: British Female Migration to Canada and Australia, 1860s–1930.

Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

CHOQUETTE, Leslie. “Religious Conversion in New France: The Case of Amerindians and

Immigrants Compared.” Québec Studies 40 (2005-6): 97-110.

CHRISTIE, Nancy. “Strangers in the Family: Work, Gender, and the Origins of Old Age Homes.”

Journal of Family History 32, 4 (2007): 371-91.

CHUNN, Dorothy E. “’Take It Easy Girls’: Feminism, Equality, and Social Change in the Media.”

In Reaction and Resistance: Feminism, Law, and Social Change, eds. Dorothy E. Chunn, Susan B.

Boyd, and Hester Lessard. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007.

CHUNN, Dorothy E., Susan B. Boyd, and Hester Lessard. “Feminism, Law, and Social Change: An

Overview.” In Reaction and Resistance: Feminism, Law, and Social Change, eds. Dorothy E.

Chunn, Susan B. Boyd, and Hester Lessard. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007.

CIMON, Anne. Susanna Moodie: Pioneer Author. Montreal: XYZ Publishing, 2006. [juvenile]

CLARKSON, Chris. Domestic Reforms: Political Visions and Family Regulation in British Columbia,

1862–1940. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007.

CLOSE, Susan. Framing Identity: Social Practices of Photography in Canada (1880-1920). Winnipeg:

Arbeiter Ring, 2007.

Collectif CourtePointe. Pointe Saint-Charles: un quartier, des femmes, une histoire communautaire.

Montréal: Éditions du remue-ménage, 2006.

COLLINGS, Peter. “Housing Policy, Aging, and Life Course Construction in a Canadian Inuit

Community.” Arctic Anthropology 42, 2 (2005): 50-65.

COLLINS, Kenneth. The Ring Starts Here: An Illustrated History of Ringette. Cobalt, ON: Highway

Book Shop, 2004.

COMACK, Elizabeth and Salena Brickey. “Constituting the Violence of Criminalized Women.”

Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 49, 1 (2007): 1-36.

CONRAD, Joy. Court Quest: Playing Women’s Squash in the USA and Canada 1992-1994. Kamloops,

BC: Bench Press Books, 2002.

COOKE, Nathalie. Margaret Atwood: A Critical Companion. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2004.

COOPER, Afua. “Acts of Resistance: Black men and women engage slavery in Upper Canada, 1793-

1803.” Ontario History 99, 1 (Spring 2007): 5-17.

COOPER, Afua. Traduit de l’anglais par André Couture. La pendaison d’Angélique: l’histoire de

l’esclavage au Canada et de l’incendie de Montréal. Montréal: Éditions de l’Homme, 2007.

CORBETT, Michael. “All kinds of potential: Women and out-migration in an Atlantic Canadian

coastal community.” Journal of Rural Studies 23, 4 (2007): 430-42.

COULTER, Rebecca Priegert.__ “Getting Things Done: Donalda J. Dickie and Leadership Through

Practice.” In Women Teaching, Women Learning: Historical Perspectives, eds. Elizabeth M. Smyth

and Paula Bourne. Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education, 2005.

COWAN, Janice. A Spy’s Wife: The Moscow Memories of a Canadian Who Witnessed the End of the Cold

War. Toronto: Lorimer, 2006.

CRANE, Elaine Forman. “Abigail Adams, Gender Politics, and The History of Emily Montague: A

Postscript.” William and Mary Quarterly 64, 4 (October 2007): 839-44.

CROSBY, Tanis. “The Participation of Women in Municipal Politics.” Canadian Issues (Summer

2005): 31-34.

CROSSMAN, Beverly. “Notes on a Life in the Labour Movement.” Prairie Forum 31, 2 (2006): 331–5.

CUDER, Pilar. Margaret Atwood: A Beginner’s Guide. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2003.

CULLIS-SUZUKI, Severn, et al, eds. Notes from Canada’s Young Activists: A Generation Stands Up for

Change. Vancouver: Greystone Books, 2007.

Cultural Memory Group. “‘In Memory of Theresa Vince’: Research, Activism, and Feminist

Memorializing.” Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 13 (Spring 2005): 121-34.

DANIEL, Dominique. “The Debate on Family Reunification and Canada’s Immigration Act of

1976.” American Review of Canadian Studies 35, 4 (2005): 683-705.

DAOUST, Valérie. “Sexualité et démocratie: un dialogue entre le privé, le public et le social.”

Bulletin d’histoire politique 15, 1 (automne 2006): 17-24.

DARROCH, Gordon. “Families, Fostering, and Flying the Coop: Lessons in Liberal Cultural

Formation, 1871–1901.”_ In Household Counts: Canadian Households and Families in 1901, eds.

Eric W. Sager and Peter Baskerville, 197-246. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

DAS GUPTA, Tanya. “Racism and the Labour Movement.” In Equity, Diversity, and Canadian Labour,

eds. Gerald Hunt and David Rayside, 181-207. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2007.

DAVIS, Dona. “Changing Body Aesthetics: Diet and Exercise Fads in a Newfoundland Outport

Community.” In Athletic Intruders: Ethnographic Research on Women, Culture and Exercise, eds.

Anne Bolin and Jane Granskeg, 201-26. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2003.


DAWSON, Hilary J. “From immigrant to establishment: a Black family’s journey.” Ontario History

99, 1 (Spring 2007): 31-43.

DE CLERCY, Cristine. “Women and the Public Sphere in Saskatchewan, 1905-2005.” Prairie Forum

32, 2 (Fall 2007): 357-82.

DEDOBBELEER, Nicole, et al. “Gender and the Social Context of Smoking Behaviour.” Social Science

& Medicine 58, 1 (January 2004): 1-12. [1978-1995]

DENIKE, Margaret Ann. “Religion, Rights, and Relationships: The Dream of Relational Equality.”

Hypatia 22, 1 (Winter 2007): 71-91. [same-sex marriage]

DES RIVIÈRES-PIGEON, Catherine, et al. “Travailler ou ne pas travailler… Le désir d’emploi des

nouvelles mères et la dépression postnatale.” Recherches féministes 16, 2 (2003).

DOBROWOLSKY, Alexandra. “The Chrétien Liberal Legacy and Women: Changing Policy Priorities

with Little Cause for Celebration.” Review of Constitutional Studies 9, 1-2 (2004).

DOHERTY, Deborah. “Domestic Homicide in New Brunswick: An Overview of Some Contributing

Factors.” Atlantis 30, 3 (2006).

DOIG, Jameson W. “What Rights for Women? Brian Dickson, The Charter, and Gender Issues.”

Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens (Fall 2007): 53-6.

DOYLE, James. Transformations: The Life of Margaret Fulton, Canadian Feminist, Educator, and Social

Activist. Toronto: ECW, 2006.

DRIVER, Elizabeth. Culinary Landmarks: A Bibliography of Canadian Cookbooks, 1825-1949. Toronto:

University of Toronto Press, 2007.

DUA, Enakshi. “Exclusion through Inclusion: Female Asian migration in the making of Canada as

a white settler nation.” Gender, Place and Culture 14, 4 (2007): 445-66.

DUBINSKY, Karen. “’We Adopted a Negro’: Interracial Adoption and the Hybrid Baby in 1960s

Canada.” In Creating Postwar Canada: Community, Diversity, and Dissent, 1945-75, eds. Magda

Fahrni and Robert Rutherdale, 268-88. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007.

DUBINSKY, Karen. “Babies Without Borders: Rescue, Kidnap and the Symbolic Child.” Journal of

Women’s History 19, 1 (Spring, 2007): 142-50. [transnational adoption]

DUBLIN, Anne. Bobbie Rosenfeld: The Olympian Who Could Do Everything. Toronto: Second Story

Press, 2004. [juvenile]

DUMMITT, Christopher. The Manly Modern: Masculinity in Postwar Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press,


DUMONT, Marilyn, ed. Initiations: A Selection of Young Native Writings. Penticton, BC: Theytus

Books, 2007.

DUMONT, Micheline et Louise Toupin. Fiches pédagogiques sur la pensée féministe au Québec:

anthologie. Montréal: Les éditions du remue-ménage, 2004.

DUNCAN, Dorothy. Canadians at Table: Food, Fellowship, and Folklore—A Culinary History of Canada.

Toronto: Dundurn, 2006.

DUTTON, Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006.

DVORÁK, Marta and Manina Jones, eds. Carol Shields and the Extra-Ordinary. Montreal: McGill-

Queen’s University Press, 2007.

DVORÁK, Marta. “Of Cows and Configurations in Emily Carr’s The Book of Small.” In Tropes and

Territories: Short Fiction, Postcolonial Readings, Canadian Writings in Context, eds. Marta Dvorák

and W.H. New, 134-54. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007.

ECHLIN, Kim A. Elizabeth Smart: A Fugue Essay on Women and Creativity. Toronto: Women’s Press,


ELBOURNE, Elizabeth. “Family Politics and Anglo-Mohawk Diplomacy: The Brant Family in

Imperial Context.” Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 6, 3 (Winter 2005).

ELGQVIST-SALTZMAN, Inga. “Cecilia Fryxell: The Life of a Swedish Educator_.” In Women Teaching,

Women Learning: Historical Perspectives, eds. Elizabeth M. Smyth and Paula Bourne. Toronto:

Inanna Publications and Education, 2005.

ENGELS, Mary-Louise. Rosalie Bertell: Scientist, Eco-Feminist, Visionary. Toronto: Women’s Press,


EPPERLY, Elizabeth Rollins. Through Lover’s Lane: L.M. Montgomery’s Photography and Visual

Imagination. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

ERICKSON, Lynda and Brenda O’Neill. “The Gender Gap and the Changing Woman Voter in

Canada.” International Political Science Review 23, 4 (2002): 373-92.

ERRINGTON, Elizabeth Jane. Emigrant Worlds and Transatlantic Communities: Migration to Upper

Canada in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press,


ERRINGTON, Jane. Women and Their Work in Upper Canada. Historical Booklet No. 64. Ottawa:

Canadian Historical Association, 2006.

ESTE, David C. “Black Canadian Historical Writing, 1970-2006: An Assessment.” Journal of Black

Studies 38, 3 (2008): 388-406.

EVANS, Patricia. “Downloading the Welfare State Canadian Style.” In Diminishing Welfare: A Cross

National Study of Social Provision, eds. Gertrude S. Goldberg and Marguerite G. Rosenthal, 75-

102. London: Auburn House, 2002.

EVANS, Suzanne. Mothers of Heroes, Mothers of Martyrs: World War I and the Politics of Grief.

Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007.

FARYON, Cynthia J. A War Bride’s story: Risking it All for Love after World War II. Canmore, AB:

Altitude Publishing Canada, 2004. [from Great Britain to Saskatchewan]

FEE, Margery and Lynette Russell. “’Whiteness’ and ‘aboriginality’ in Canada and Australia:

Conversations and identities.” Feminist Theory 8, 2 (2007): 187-208.

FEGAN, Eileen. “Reclaiming Women’s Agency: Exposing the Mental Health Effects of ‘Post

Abortion Syndrome’ Propaganda.” In Women, Madness And The Law: A Feminist Reader, eds.

Wendy Chan, Dorothy E. Chunn, and Robert Menzies, 169-90. New York: Routledge

Cavendish, 2005.

FENWICK, Tara. “Learning on the Line: Voices of Garment Workers at Great Western Garment.”

Labour/Le Travail 59 (Spring 2007): 215-40. [Edmonton]

FENWICK, Tara. “What Happens to the Girls? Gender, Work, and Learning in Canada’s New

Economy.” Gender and Education 16, 2 (2004).

FERGUSON, Bob. Who’s Who in Canadian Sport, 4th ed. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2005.

FERNANDO, Kanchana. “Television For, By and About Women: The Story of WTN.”Atlantis 29, 3


FERRY, Darren. “’To the Interests and Conscience of the Great Mass of the Community’: The

Evolution of Temperance Societies in Nineteenth-Century Canada.” Journal of the Canadian

Historical Association 14, 1(2003): 135-64.

FEUERRIEGEL, Hanna and Fred Feuerriegel. History of concerts and performers of the Women’s Musical

Club of Toronto, 3rd ed. Toronto: Women’s Musical Club of Toronto, 2003.

FISETTE, Serge. La sculpture et le vent: femmes sculpteures au Québec. Montréal: Centre de diffusion

3D, 2004.

FITZGERALD, Judith and Michael Oren Fitzgerald, eds. With an introduction by Janine Pease. The

Spirit of Indian Women. [Bloomington, Ind.]: World Wisdom, 2005.

FITZGERALD, Sharron A. and Alicja Muszynski. “Negotiating Female Morality: Place, Ideology

and Agency in the Red River Colony.” Women’s History Review 16, 5 (2007): 661-80.

FLYNN, Karen. “‘I’m Glad That Someone Is Telling the Nursing Story’: Writing Black Canadian

Women’s History.” Journal of Black Studies 38, 3 (2008): 443-60.

FORREST, Anne. “Bargaining Against the Past: Fair Pay, Union Practice, and the Gender Pay Gap.”

In Equity, Diversity, and Canadian Labour, eds. Gerald Hunt and David Rayside, 49-74. Toronto,

University of Toronto Press, 2007.

FOSTER, Leslie T. and Brian Wharf, eds. People, Politics, and Child Welfare in British Columbia.

Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007.

FOX, Stan. “Censored! Unsuitable for British Columbians: Film Censorship in British Columbia,

1914-1963.” British Columbia History 40, 1 (2007): 7-12.

FRANKLIN, Ursula M. The Ursula Franklin Reader: Pacifism as a Map. Toronto: Between the Lines,


FYSON, Donald. Magistrates, Police, and People: Everyday Criminal Justice in Quebec and Lower Canada,

1764-1837. Toronto: Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History/University of Toronto Press,


GAUDREAULT-DESBIENS, Jean-François. “La sexualisation du sacré et la régulation des offenses à la

religion. Un bref retour sur l’affaire des Fées ont soif.” Bulletin d’histoire politique 15, 1 (automne

2006): 37-44.

GAUTHIER, Madeleine. “Les années 1950: la jeunesse en transit.” Cap-aux-Diamants 84 (2006): 10-15.

GAUTHIER, Serge. Laure Gaudreault, le syndicaliste de Charlevoix. Montréal: XYZ, 2005.

GAUVREAU, Danielle, Diane Gervais, et Peter Gossage. La fécondité des Québécoises, 1870-1970: d’une

exception à l’autre. Montréal: Boréal, 2007.

GERLACH, Neil and Sheryl N. Hamilton. “Virtually Civil: Studio XX, Feminist Voices, and Digital

Technology In Canadian Civil Society.” In Civic Discourse and Cultural Politics in Canada: A

Cacophony of Voices, eds. Sherry Devereaux Ferguson and Leslie Regan Shade, 201-15.

Westport CT: Ablex Publishing, 2002.

GIDENGIL, Elisabeth and Allison Harell. “Network diversity and vote choice: Women’s social ties

and Left voting in Canada.” Politics & Gender 3, 2 (2007): 151-77. [2000]

GIDENGIL, Elisabeth. “Beyond the Gender Gap: Presidential Address to the Canadian Political

Science Association, Saskatoon, 2007.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 40, 4 (December

2007): 815-31.

GIDNEY, Catherine. “Dating and Gating: The Moral Regulation of Men and Women at Victoria

and University Colleges, University of Toronto, 1920-60.” Journal of Canadian Studies 41, 2

(Spring 2007): 138-60.

GIFFIN, Phillip. “Annie’s War.” Manitoba History 55 (June 2007): 40-50. [World War I military


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