I. Objectifs

Le Comité canadien de l’histoire des femmes et du genre (CCHFG), affilié à la Société historique du Canada (SHC), compte parmi ses objectifs : la promotion de l’étude et de la recherche en histoire des femmes; la diffusion d’information sur les sources, les recherches en cours et les publications; l’encouragement à l’archivage et à la restauration de sources importantes; le développement de contacts entre chercheures et professeures au Canada et avec des groupes similaires à l’étranger; le suivi du statut des femmes en histoire.

II. Statut d’association à but non lucratif

L’organisation fonctionnera sans permettre à ses membres d’en retirer un gain financier; tout profit ou autre accroissement de capital réalisé par l’organisation sera utilisé pour promouvoir ses objectifs.

III. Adhésion

Peut devenir membre toute personne intéressée à tout aspect de l’histoire des femmes.

IV. Catégories de membres

Le comité sera constitué d’adhérents ayant l’un des trois statuts suivants : membre de soutien, membre régulier, membre étudiant ou sans emploi.

V. Amendements à la constitution

Tout membre peut proposer un amendement à la Constitution lors de l’Assemblée générale annuelle. Il doit être adopté par les deux tiers des membres présents.

VI. Structure

L’Exécutif comptera douze (12) postes : présidence, vice-présidence/rédaction, représentation des régions (5), représentation des chercheures autonomes (1), représentation étudiante (2), secrétariat/trésorerie et liaison. Tous les membres de l’Exécutif devront être membres en règle du CCHF.

Présidence: On y accédera en principe automatiquement, après une année à la vice-présidence/rédaction. La personne titulaire de ce poste dirigera le CCHF; elle présidera toutes les réunions de l’Exécutif et des membres; elle sera responsable de la gestion courante des affaires du CCHF; elle veillera à ce que tous les ordres et toutes les résolutions des membres soient suivis d’effet.

Vice-présidence/rédaction: La personne sera élue à ce poste pour un an lors de l’Assemblée générale annuelle. Elle dirigera la production du Bulletin et organisera sa distribution; elle s’assurera de la parution du procès-verbal de l’Assemblée générale annuelle dans les deux langues officielles. En cas de remplacement à la présidence, elle en assumera les devoirs et en aura les prérogatives.

Délégation régionale: constituée d’une (1) personne par région, élue pour deux ans, au sein des entités géographiques suivantes : Colombie-Britannique, Yukon et Territoires du Nord-Ouest [à préciser encore]; Alberta, Saskatchewan et Manitoba; Ontario; Québec; Nouveau-Brunswick, Nouvelle-Écosse, Ile-du-Prince-Édouard et Terre-Neuve. Ces personnes serviront les intérêts de leur région au sein de l’Exécutif et constitueront, avec la représentante des chercheures autonomes et la délégation étudiante, le Comité des mises en candidature du CCHF.

Représentation des chercheures autonomes: élue pour un mandat de deux ans, représentera les intérêts des chercheures autonomes ou des spécialistes autonomes de l’histoire des femmes (qui n’ont d’affiliation institutionnelle ni en tant que faculté ni en tant qu’étudiantes graduées) au Comité exécutif et constituera, avec les représentants régionaux et la délégation étudiante, la Comité des mises en candidature du CCHF.

Délégation étudiante: composée de deux (2) personnes élues à chaque année par le CCHF; leur élection sera sujet à l’approbation du Comité des étudiants gradués de la SHC, à qui le CCHF demandera un respect de l’équilibre entre les régions. Les personnes choisies défendront les intérêts étudiants au sein de l’Exécutif et constitueront, avec la délégation régionale et la représentante des chercheures autonomes, le Comité des mises en candidature du CCHF.

Secrétariat/trésorerie: La personne titulaire de ce poste assistera la présidence et la vice-présidence/rédaction. Engagée par la vice-présidence, elle n’aura pas droit de vote dans l’Exécutif.

Liaison: La personne titulaire de ce poste effectuera la liaison avec les organismes internationaux d’histoire des femmes. Elle sera élue pour cinq ans lors de l’Assemblée générale annuelle.

VII. Vérification des comptes

Tout membre du CCHF est libre de consulter les livres de comptes et les dossiers de l’association. Le choix de vérificateurs(trices) officiel(le)s sera fait par l’Exécutif et confirmé par les membres lors de l’Assemblée générale annuelle. Leur rapport, soumis à l’Exécutif, sera transmis aux membres avec toute recommandation pertinente.

VIII. Assemblées

Il devra y avoir au moins une Assemblée générale par an, habituellement jumelée à la conférence annuelle de la Société historique du Canada, à intervalle de quinze mois maximum, à un moment et en un lieu choisis par l’Exécutif.

Il faudra, pour que l’on puisse traiter des affaires du CCHF lors de l’Assemblée générale annuelle, un quorum du moindre des deux effectifs suivants : 5% des membres ou vingt (20) membres.

IX. Cotisations

L’Exécutif reverra périodiquement le barème des cotisations. Les changements proposés seront soumis à l’approbation des membres lors de l’Assemblée générale annuelle.

X. Activités

Parmi les autres moyens utilisés pour promouvoir l’étude et la recherche dans le domaine de l’histoire des femmes, le CCHF produira un Bulletin et un Répertoire des spécialistes en histoire des femmes et veillera à l’attribution de prix récompensant des articles sur l’histoire des femmes.

(Printemps 2000)

I. Objectives

The Canadian Committee on Women’s History and Gender History (CCWGH), affiliated with the Canadian Historical Association (CHA), has amongst its goals: promoting teaching and research in the field of women’s and gender history; disseminating information about sources, current research and publications; encouraging archival preservation of significant source materials; linking Canadian researchers and teachers together and with similar groups in other countries; and monitoring the status of women in the historical profession.

II. Non-profit Status

The organization shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members, and any profits or other accretions to the organization shall be used to promote its objectives.

III. Membership

Membership is open to any person interested in any aspect of women’s and gender history.

IV. Categories of members

The Committee shall have four categories of members: sustaining, institutional general and student or unemployed/underemployed/precariously employed.

V. Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by any member at the annual general meeting. They must be passed by 2/3 of those members present

VI. Structure

There shall be an executive made up of a Chair, an Associate Chair, English Language Secretary and Prize Coordinator (non-voting), French Language Secretary (non-voting), Treasurer (non-voting), CRIAW representative, and IRFWH liaison. All members of the Executive shall be members in good standing of the CCWGH.

There shall be a non-executive Nominating Committee (NC) comprised of the representatives for each of the following regions: British Columbia, the Yukon, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories; Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba; Ontario; Quebec; and New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland. It will also include two graduate student representatives, a public history representative, an independent scholar representative, and one interdisciplinary scholars’ representative. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for seeking and recommending, for approval at the Annual General Meeting, nominees for the executive and the Nominating Committee. Members of the NC shall also be responsible for working with the Associate Chair to write a minimum of one short article on a topic related to the study and research of women’s and gender history for posting on the CCWGH blog.

Normally the Chair shall take up the post automatically after serving one year as Associate Chair. The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the Committee and shall preside at all meetings of the Executive and the membership, shall have the general and active management of the affairs of the Committee and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the membership are carried into effect.

The Associate Chair shall be elected for a term of one year at the Annual General Meeting. The Associate Chair shall, in the absence of the Chair, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chair. They shall also ensure that the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting are produced in both official languages.  They shall also be responsible for working with the Nominating Committee and the social media manager to solicit short article for the CCWGH blog.

The English-language Secretary and Prize Coordinator shall assist the Chair and Associate Chair in the performance of their duties.  They are responsible for attending the annual CCWGH business meeting and writing the Minutes of the AGM (or arranging for a replacement to do so). The Secretary and Prize Coordinator will appoint prize committees for the Hilda Neatby Prizes, which are awarded every year, and the CCWGH book prizes, which are awarded every second year.  They will disseminate prize information to academic presses and the social media manager for widespread circulation and will provide the prize committees with prize submissions and adjudication guidelines in a timely fashion. The Secretary and Prize Coordinator will correspond with the chairs and members of the prize committees, collect the prize citations by a deadline that meets CHA submission requirements, and generally liaise with the CHA regarding the submission of citations and prize processes for Congress as needed. The English-language Secretary and Prize Coordinator is empowered to appoint a French-Language Assistant Prize Coordinator as needed (for example, in years when all prizes are awarded). The English-language Secretary and Prize Coordinator will be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a three-year term.

The French-language Secretary is responsible for translation from English to French of official CCWGH business, mainly including official Minutes of the AGM, Agenda for the AGM, calls for nominations for official CCWGH positions, prize citations, and updates on official business which appear on the CCWGH blog. The French-language Secretary will be elected at the AGM for a three-year term.

The treasurer shall assist the Chair and the Associate Chair in the performance of their duties. The treasurer shall perform the following roles, subject to the approval of the Executive: general financial oversight, financial planning and budgeting, financial reporting, banking, book-keeping and record-keeping, control of fixed assets and stock. They shall be elected by the membership to a term of three years and shall not be a voting member of the executive. They may be reappointed for a second consecutive term. There is no restriction on re-nomination for consecutive terms.

The CRIAW Liaison is responsible for overseeing the joint projects of the CCWGH and the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, mainly the Marta Danylewycz scholarship (bi-annual, awarded in odd-numbered years) and the Barbara Roberts Prize (bi-annual, awarded in even-numbered years). The CRIAW Liaison serves as chair of these prize committees and is responsible for putting together a jury to evaluate submissions. The Liaison works with CRIAW to monitor the financial health of the prize funds, prepare and publicize the call for applications, evaluate and select the successful application, and circulate the announcement of the prize winner. The Liaison also communicates financial information to the CCWGH and assists with other tasks (for example, fundraising), as necessary. The CRIAW Liaison also assists in putting together the Feminist Interdisciplinary Sessions at Congress. The Liaison shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a five-year term.

The IFRWH Liaison shall liaise with the International Federation for Research on Women’s History and update the membership about official business of the IRFWH. The IFRWH Liaison shall contribute a short write up about the CCWGH’s official business for publication in the twice-yearly IRFWH newsletter. They shall be elected at the AGM to a five-year term. At the end of their term, the outgoing Liaison person shall inform the IFRWH of the name and email contact information for the incoming Liaison person.

One regional representative shall be elected for a term of two years to the NC from each of the following regions: British Columbia, the Yukon, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories; Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba; Ontario; Quebec; and New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland. Regional representatives shall represent the interests of their regions to the Executive and shall act with the independent scholars representative and student representatives as the Nominating Committee for the CCWGH.

An interdisciplinary scholars’ representative shall be elected to the NC for a term of two years and shall represent the interests of historians working outside of history departments.

One independent scholars representative will be elected to the NC for a term of two years, shall represent the interests of independent scholars or freelance women’s historians (who do not have an institutional affiliation as either faculty or as graduate students) to the Executive, and shall act with the regional and student representatives as the Nominating Committee for the CCWGH.

Two student representatives shall be elected to the NC and their election will be subject to the approval of Graduate Students Committee of the CHA. That Committee shall be requested by the CCWGH to attempt to maintain a regional balance. Student representatives shall represent the interests of students to the Executive and shall act with the regional representatives and the independent scholars’ representative as the Nominating Committee for the CCWGH.

The French-language Assistant Prize Coordinator will work under the direction of the English-language Secretary and Prize Coordinator to translate the call for book and article prize nominations and coordinate information and material for prize committees. They will liaise with French-language academic presses and translate the prize citations for winning books and articles for the CHA presentations and for posting to the CCWGH blog after the prizes have been awarded. The French-Language Assistant Prize Coordinator will be appointed at the discretion of the English-language Secretary and Prize Coordinator.

The Local Reception Coordinator shall be appointed at the AGM by the incoming Chair for a one-year term and will normally be a member who is employed by the university hosting the CHA meeting in the following year.  The Local Reception Coordinator will work with the Chair to make all local arrangements for hosting the CCWGH reception at the next Congress, including finding and booking space and catering and liaising with the Chair and Treasurer about budgeting.  The Local Reception Coordinator shall also organize the book celebration for the annual reception, including contacting CCWGH members about monographs/edited collections published in the past year, coordinating with relevant publishers to attend and sell/provide books, and soliciting small contributions of money toward the reception.

VII. Auditors

Any member of the CCWGH may examine the books and records of the association. Official auditors shall be appointed by the Executive and confirmed by the members at the Annual General Meeting. The report of the auditors shall be submitted to the Executive and through it to the members along with any recommendations arising from the report.

VIII. Meetings

An Annual General Meeting shall be held at least once in every calendar year, normally in conjunction with the annual conference of the Canadian Historical Association, and not more than fifteen months after the last such meeting, at a place and time designated by the Executive.

A quorum for the transaction of business at an Annual General Meeting shall consist of five per cent of the membership, or twenty members, whichever is less.

IX. Dues

The schedule of dues shall be reviewed from time to time by the Executive and approved by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.

X. Activities

To encourage study, research, and teaching of the history of women and gender, the CCWGH shall maintain an updated blog and appropriate social media presence as well as organize an annual business meeting and reception with book celebration to be held during the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association (CHA). As an affiliated committee of the CHA, the CCWGH will organize one panel or keynote address for its reserved spot on the program of the Annual Meeting of the CHA and will also co-sponsor additional panels to be held during the Annual Meeting of the CHA. The CCWGH shall award prizes for articles and books written on the history of women and gender in both official languages.

Revised: 2000; 2018; 2019